Case Study: Sinclair Supports Critical Disaster Response

From the front line: Critical Communications support during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill -Organizations involved in oil exploration see some of the toughest operating conditions imaginable. These dangerous environments require that you have plans in place should the worst happen. In a crisis situation, effective response communications enables employees, stakeholders, and customers to be informed of the current situation and allows all parties to set realistic expectations of a response. When the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry occurred, it resulted from an explosion on the Deep-Water Horizon Drilling Rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The explosion was catastrophic and caused extensive damage to marine and wildlife habitats, as well as the local fishing and tourism industries Problem. In order to prevent oil from spreading into hundreds of miles of beaches and wetlands along the coast, a massive clean-up and prevention operation was quickly launched. As part of the cleanup process, aircrafts worked directly with the skimmer vessels to guide them towards the oil spill. During this time sensitive operation, read how Sinclair enabled seamless communication along the coastal region.
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